Now is the time to move to the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor

Do you currently wear a FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor?
The FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor will be discontinued in the UK end of August 2025.
Speak to your healthcare professional to get your prescription updated to the FreeStyle Libre 2 Plus sensor.

Find out how to switch >

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Mr Stigma

Hybrid closed loop technology is the new helper for managing type 1

Living and Fishing With Diabetes



By Michael Brown, keen fisherman who lives with type 2

Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your healthcare professional about your diabetes management. Individual symptoms, situations and circumstances may vary.

I was in my forties when I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The diagnosis came as a shock, after I was admitted to hospital to undergo treatment for a kidney stone. I wasn’t sure I’d heard right, I wasn’t sure what it meant and it didn’t really sink in. I couldn’t believe it had happened to me.

At first, I was prescribed metformin and told to control my diabetes through diet; I was told what to eat, what to avoid and how to manage carbs and fat. It was all very confusing to start with. And I had no idea how different foods were affecting my blood sugar levels.

Things changed when I got my first FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor after seeing it on television. My doctor then spoke to my diabetes nurse who showed me how it worked and how to use it. I haven’t looked back since.

More consistent checks

I was able to see what happened when I ate and I began to develop a greater understanding of how my levels responded to different foods. Having these kinds of insights has helped me feel a lot better in myself and more steady on my feet too. As a keen fisherman, it means I can still get out fishing although my tackle is starting to feel heavier the older I get!

Using this technology has also eliminated the need for finger pricking1 and sore fingers; after a while, I wasn’t finger pricking as often as I should have been, unless my doctor specifically asked me for a reading. It’s not something you can do in public very easily, I have never seen anybody pricking their finger in public to check their blood sugar.

A better understanding of my food and exercise choices

The FreeStyle Libre 2 system has enabled me to gain a deeper understanding of how my lifestyle choices can impact my glucose levels. For example, there are times when I have a meal and go on a walk, and my levels drop quicker than normal. However, the alarm2 warns me early enough so I can

take action in good time. This is also helpful during the night. I have jelly babies on my bedside table just in case I go low.

The FreeStyle LibreLink app3 on my smartphone alerts2 me to any spikes and drops in my glucose levels which means I can make smart choices based on the information in front of me.

Longer lasting benefits of using diabetes tech

Through consistent monitoring with regular readings aided by the technology, I've seen a drop in my average glucose levels (HbA1c), from 68 mmol/mol to 58 mmol/mol. I now don’t need as much insulin, which is better for me.

This has also had a knock-on effect on my weight. During my recent visit to the nurse, I was told I had lost weight, which I know is because I now have a better understanding of what I eat and how I move, and how this affects my glucose levels - I am eating the right things and losing weight without really trying! 

Family and friends’ support makes a difference

My family and friends have also been incredibly supportive throughout my journey. I’ve been able to show them how the technology works, and they’re all very impressed with it.

For example, when I’m driving4, I can ask my wife to check my phone and she is able to instantly access my readings, something which I believe is a great advantage when it comes to being safe on the road.

A system that helps keep me on track

The technology has enabled me to check my levels after every meal, to ensure that my insulin dose is right. My diabetes nurse can also see my readings on her computer5 so she can help me to work out the amount of insulin I need with different types of food.

Of course, I’m still learning how to make the most of this technology; living with type 2 diabetes is an adjustment, but I know that my GP’s advice and the FreeStyle Libre 2 system will only support my journey living with diabetes.

My advice to anyone in my situation who is living with diabetes is to find out about this system. It has made such a difference to my life and the way I feel and has enabled me to get a better understanding of my condition. I am thankful for the dedication behind the technology that helps people like me.

72-year old Michael Brown lives in Coventry with his wife and their dog Chrissie. All three like to holiday in Devon, Cornwall and Norfolk. A member of the Shark Angling Club of Great Britain, Michael loves to go out fishing – coarse, trout and sea fishing are all on the agenda. 




References & Disclaimers


1 Finger pricks are required if glucose readings and alarms do not match symptoms or expectations

2 The FreeStyle Libre 2 system has optional glucose alarms. Alarms need to be turned on in order to receive low and high glucose alarms. Notifications will only be received when alarms are turned on and the sensor is within 20ft unobstructed of the reading device. You must have override do not disturb settings enabled to receive alarms and alerts on your smartphone and started the sensor with the FreeStyle LibreLink app.   

3 The FreeStyle LibreLink app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please check the website for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Sharing of glucose data requires registration with LibreView.

4 The DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) has permitted the use of Flash Glucose Monitoring systems for the purpose of driving with Group 1 drivers. Drivers using the FreeStyle Libre 2 system must get a confirmatory finger prick glucose level in the following circumstances: if their glucose level is 4.0mmol/L or below; if they have symptoms of hypoglycaemia; if their readings are not consistent with their symptoms; if they have become hypoglycaemic or have indication of impending hypoglycaemia. Flash Glucose Monitoring systems are not legally permitted for the purposes of Group 2 drivers. More information at Diabetes and driving - GOV.UK (

5 The LibreView data management software is intended for use by both patients and healthcare professionals to assist people with diabetes and their healthcare professionals in the review, analysis and evaluation of historical glucose device data to support effective diabetes management. The LibreView software is not intended to provide treatment decisions or to be used as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.        

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Mr Stigma

Hybrid closed loop technology is the new helper for managing type 1
