It's time to move to the FreeStyle Libre 2 system

Abbott‘s original FreeStyle Libre sensors will be discontinued in Ireland at the end of September 2024.
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What are the differences between the FreeStyle LibreLink app and the FreeStyle Libre reader or FreeStyle Libre 2 reader?

Sharing: Reports in the FreeStyle LibreLink app can be shared directly from the phone. You can connect the Reader to the computer with a USB cable to upload data.
Viewing: The Reader features a simple color touchscreen. Graphs are displayed in more color and higher resolution in the app.
Notes: You can add notes in the Reader within 15 minutes of a glucose reading. The app allows you to add and view notes at any time in the Logbook.
Text to Speech: If enabled in the app, you can hear the glucose reading with the unit of measure and trend arrow direction after each scan.
Reports: The Reader and the app use the same calculations to create glucose reports. Compared to the Reader, reports in the app will have more color, details, and interactivity. The app can also display an estimate of your A1c, in addition to basic stats about your glucose history in the last 24 hours.
Reminders: The app allows you to easily set custom reminders, as well as an 8-hour timer that resets every time the Sensor is scanned. App notifications on your phone must be enabled to see reminders.
Glucose alarms : users of FreeStyle Libre 2 sensors can receive high or low glucose alarms from FreeStyle Libre 2 reader if they started their FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor with the reader and turned on alarms.
Other: The Reader has an Insulin calculator and a port for test strips, so it can be used both for scanning Sensors and blood glucose readings.

◊ The FreeStyle LibreLink app is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. Please check the website for more information about device compatibility before using the app. Use of FreeStyle LibreLink may require registration with LibreView.
