
臨床上已證實 FreeStyle Libre 可降低第二型糖尿病 (T2D) 糖友的 HbA1c19,22,28,29


 A1c inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 1.6 percent.

經過 22 週後

使用非胰島素治療和 FreeStyle Libre 的 T2D 糖友 (p<0.001, 相對於基準點 A1c)28


A1c inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 1.1 percent.

經過 22 週後

使用基礎胰島素和 FreeStyle Libre 的 T2D 糖友 (p<0.001, 相對於基準點 A1c)28

A downward pointing yellow arrow.

基準點 A1c:






A1c inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 0.9 percent.

第 24 週時

使用非胰島素治療和 FreeStyle Libre 系統的 T2D 糖友 (p<0.0001)22

每日多次注射胰島(MDI)的 T2D 糖友

A1c inside a circle next to a wide blue downwards arrow showing a decrease of 0.82 percent.

在 10 週內

MDI的 T2D 糖友,使用 FreeStyle Libre 系統後,相較於 SMBG, A1c 顯著降低 (分別為 0.82% 和 0.33%, p=0.005)29


對於 T2D 糖友,口服藥物可使 A1c 降低 0.60% 至 1.12%19

縮寫:A1 = 糖化血色素; MDI = 每日多次注射;SMBG = 血糖自我監測; T2D = 第二型糖尿病。

參考文獻:19. Hirst JA, et al. Diabetes Care. 2012;35(2):446–454. 22. Miller E, Brandner L, Wright E. HbA1c reduction after initiation of the FreeStyle Libre system in type 2 diabetes patients on long-acting insulin or non-insulin therapy [84-LB]. Poster presented at: 80th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association; June 12-16, 2020;Virtual. 28. Wright E, et al. Diabetes Spectrum. 2021;34(2):184–189. 29. Yaron, M. Diabetes Care 2019;42(7):1178–1184.