Check your smartphone is connected to a WiFi or cellular network. Tap SIGN IN or GET STARTED NOW.
Review the legal information and follow instructions to set up a LibreView account or log in to your existing account.
Enter your personal settings.
Tap NEXT after each screen.
Review important information about glucose readings, when to do a blood glucose test, and where to apply a sensor. Tap NEXT to proceed til you see the SCAN NEW SENSOR screen.
Tap scan button . You can either tap the blue box on the Home Screen or
at the top right.
Hold top of phone near sensor until you get a tone and/or vibration.
Scan your sensor to start it.
Note: If you want to use both the reader and the app to check your glucose, you must start the sensor with the reader first.
The sensor can be used to check your glucose after the warm-up period. While the sensor is warming up, you can navigate away from the app.
After the warm-up period, scan your sensor to get your glucose reading.
Tap at the top left of the screen to access your reports.
Daily Patterns
Time In Target
Low Glucose Events
Average Glucose
Daily Graph
Estimated A1c
– Images are for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or Health Care Professional.
– Simulated data for illustrative purposes only. Not real patient or data.
1. Finger pricks are required if glucose readings do not match symptoms or expectations.
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هذا موقع خاص بالمنتج حصريًا للأشخاص المقيمين في سلطنة عُمان. إذا كنت تعيش في بلد آخر، فيرجى التواصل مع ممثل شركة أبوت المحلي لديك للحصول على معلومات المنتج الصحيحة لبلد إقامتك (انقر على "الانتقال إلى الموقع العالمي"). لزيارة الموقع المحلي باللغة العربية، انقر على "البقاء هنا" أو قم بزيارة الصفحة المحلية باللغة الإنجليزية بالنقر على
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