What reports are available in the app?

  • Daily Patterns: A graph showing the pattern and variability of the sensor glucose readings over a typical day. Includes the median, 25th -75th percentile, and 10th-90th percentile range of the glucose readings.
  • Time in Target: A graph showing the percentage of time the sensor glucose readings were above, below, or within the Target Glucose Range.
  • Low Glucose Events: Information about low glucose events measured by the sensor. A low glucose event is recorded when the sensor glucose reading is lower than 3.9 mmol/L for longer than 15 minutes.
  • Average Glucose: Information about the average sensor glucose readings for different periods of the day.
  • Daily Graph: A graph of the sensor glucose readings by day. 
  • Estimated A1c: Estimate of A1c (HbA1c) based on sensor glucose data from the last 90 days. A1c can be used as an indicator of how well glucose levels have been controlled and may be used to monitor a diabetes treatment regimen.
  • Sensor Usage: Information about how often the sensor is scanned.