What is the FreeStyle LibreLink mobile app?

The FreeStyle LibreLink app is a mobile medical app designed to work with FreeStyle Libre sensors. The app enables you to monitor your glucose using your iPhone or Android phone1 with a FreeStyle Libre sensor — there is no need to use a separate blood glucose meter for routine glucose monitoring.2 When you scan the sensor with a compatible phone that’s running the FreeStyle LibreLink app, your glucose data is displayed directly on that device. With the app you can:

  • View your current glucose reading, a trend arrow, which indicates how your glucose is changing, and the last 8-hours of glucose history
  • See glucose reports, including your Ambulatory Glucose Profile, which reveal trends and patterns
  • Add notes to track your food, insulin use, exercise, and other events
  • Connect to healthcare professionals and caregivers with LibreView and LibreLinkUp3

To use the FreeStyle LibreLink app, you must register with LibreView, a cloud-based diabetes management system provided by Abbott and Newyu, Inc. Please see the product labeling for FreeStyle Libre and the FreeStyle LibreLink app for specific instructions on using the different products, including the supported age range.

Important: You must have a compatible iPhone or Android phone to install and use the app (See Compatibility Guide - hyperlink to brochure).